Fuel station nozzle replacement
Toy haulers and RVs have a station nozzle can start to leak and need replacement over time. Dirt and debris in the fuel tank can build up in the fuel station nozzle and will cause the seal to start to leak. All it takes is a small pin size leak and the fuel station nozzle will start to drip gas slowly. If you notice a gas fume smell around your fuel station, it might be time to replace the fuel handle. It’s a fairly easy job to do and not too expensive.
The fuel handle itself can be bought off Amazon and you can pick from several different designs. Just make sure the hose input is 3/4 inch and the nozzle is also 3/4 inch. The larger 1-inch nozzle is for diesel and it won’t fit in gasoline tank fillers. The only other important item is the thread sealant. I almost made the mistake of using Teflon tape, but it’s not made to be gasoline resistant. They make a yellow Teflon tap that’s labeled for gas use, but it’s for natural gas, not gasoline.
- Fill Rite fuel nozzle
- Pipe thread sealant
Tools needed
No specialty tools needed, just a good set of pliers or big enough wrenches. Since your working with gas, it’s a good safety to have a fire extinguisher near and a drip pan for your working area.
Gloves and safety first
I always use disposable gloves to keep my hands clean when working on my truck or motorcycles. It’s nice to take them off when I finish and not have grease all under my fingernails. If you are going to be working with gas, make sure you get thicker 6 mil versions.
Also to keep working clean, on top of the gloves, you want to have some shop rags around. I always have some Scotts Shop Rags around my garage. You can pick them up at Costco sometimes in the automotive section. They are thicker paper towels that are better at not tearing and wipe grease down.
Since I’m working around gas, open fumes, and metal tools, it’s good to a fire extinguisher at arm’s length. I also used a drip pan underneath the fuel nozzle and fuel station area. It keeps and spilled fuel off the grass and it was also nice to have a clean area to place my tools while I was working instead of in the dirt.
Channellock Plier Set
A good set of adjustable pliers are all that’s really needed to take the handle off. The old fuel nozzle shouldn’t take much effort to unscrew from the fuel hose. I only needed one to hold to the hose and I was able to twist the handle with my other hand to take it off.
Fuel handle removal
I did this fix on my 2008 Fleetwood Nitrous Toy Hauler. The first step is getting all the gas out of the handle and line before you take it off. I found that I could prop the handle open by inserting the gas cap underneath the handle and have it drain back into the fuel tank. After letting it drain for a couple of minutes, remove the handle using 2 channel locks pliers. After removing the handle, clean up the hose threads.
- Draining fuel from line
- Fuel line threads
- Cleaned fuel line
- Underside of old fuel handle
Fuel handle install
After cleaning up the hose threads, apply the pipe sealant to the threads and screw on the new handle.
- Thread sealant
- New fuel nozzle
Checking for leaks
Let the thread sealant set up for a couple of minutes before putting pressure back in the hose. After 5 minutes or so, turn on your fuel station pump and run some gas through the line. With the pump still on, close the handle and check for leaks at the hose/handle. With pressure still in the line, pull out the nozzle and check for leaks. You should not get any dripping from the new nozzle with pressure in it.
- Run gas through the line
- Check for leaks at hose/handle
- Check for leaks with pressure in the line
Cause of leaks in old handle
I took apart my old fuel handle to see what was causing it to leak. The handle valve is a pretty simple design, it’s basically a spring backed plunger with a small rubber seal. Either dirt and dust, or a buildup of gas from sitting for long times caused the seal to leak.
- Buildup on sealing surface
- Rubber gasket wear
- Rubber cap gasket
Nozzle cover
On my toy hauler, the fuel station nozzle it stored in a vented box. I ride a lot in the desert and I was always worried about dust and dirt getting in the nozzle driving down dirt roads and then into my bike as soon as I filled up. I found a cover for the fuel nozzle for just this problem. Cheap insurance for keeping dust out and I always wondered why fuel stations don’t come with something like this from the dealer.
- Fuel nozzle cover
- Cover on fuel nozzle
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